Huntsville Ballet Company Auditions
Huntsville Ballet Company will be holding auditions for Professional, Pre-Professional and Junior Company Members for the 2022-2023 season. Auditions are open to the Huntsville Community and to Huntsville Ballet School Students level 5 and up. Junior company auditions are open to level 4x.
Professional, Pre-Professional Company and Junior Company auditions will be held during Maintenance classes.
* All dancers auditioning are required to attend two of the three classes offered below
* Scheduled for August 2nd, 3rd, and 4th, 2022
* Class time 5:00 - 6:30
* Cost per class is $15.00
Students interested are required to attend 2 maintenance classes minimum
Those auditioning will need to register for classes ahead of time by calling 256-539-0961
Phillip Otto
Artistic Director